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Our Magic Formula

Do you know the magic formula for a successful website?

If not, I strongly encourage you to keep reading, for if your website is missing any element, you are setting yourself up for failure.

Let’s dive right in.

The magic formula has 4 elements:

  1. Be In Demand – You have to be selling a product or service that is in demand, or you need to create a demand for it. If you are trying to market something no one wants, you will not sell it. The key therefore is to promote your product or service in terms of benefits, and what the product or service will do for your customer.
  2. A Clear Objective – Your website must have a clear objective. Sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how often this is overlooked. Is your goal to sell, promote, build a customer database, a combination of these or something else? Whatever it is, make sure that your site is designed to funnel your visitors towards your objective(s).
  3. Traffic – “Build it and they will come” is a lie. Sites need traffic to prosper, and traffic is generated through online and offline advertising. There is no getting around it. There are literally millions of web pages added every single day. How are you going to get noticed?. Make sure the design company you choose provides you with resources (many free) to promote your site online and offline.
  4. Must Persuade, Motivate & Sell – Does your website just lie there, or does it get into the minds of your visitors? Does it stir them to take action? Does it ask them to take action? Does it make it easy for them to locate information and buy from you? The design and layout of your website directly effects your bottom line. It must create a feeling of trust, integrity and professionalism.

Bernadot Studios uses these 4 elements within every site we build, and we are providing web solutions for busniesses across the United States. Make sure to check out our “Services to Grow Your Business” link below.

Become a client today. Call us (608-782-8909) or send us a message.

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