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Bernadot Studios is Growing


What a summer this has been. Has time flown for you as quickly as it has for me?

Well, it’s been a while since I have made a post here because I have so many projects going on right now that this blog has taken a back-burner.

Here’s a quick run down of what we have been working on / doing:

  • Bernadot Studios has embraced the WordPress platform with a big warm hug. In my opinion, this is the best software available for building user-managed websites.  It provides a win – win – win platform for users – designers – and search engines.
  • I Created a online guide for Premium WordPress Products (Themes, Plugins, Etc.) called I got serious about this site in June 2008 and it is proving to be a very helpful tool for WordPress fans. It is also generating a nice monthly revenue, that continues to grow, and exposing me to some of the best WordPress Developers and Theme Designers on the web. It also continues to expand my client base as well.
  • I am collaborating on a new Premium WordPress Theme with another WordPress guru. This Theme will be released in August 2008. I’ll keep you posted. It is go=ing to be bananas!
  • Lots of new sites coming about from client projects. The portfolio will be updated as soon as they are finished. Here is a quick list of some of the businesses out there that have selected us to help them build their websites:
    • Wolf Industries, LLC
    • JMP Associates
    • Bath Fixer, Inc.
    • The DuBois Group
    • and there many more we are working on with our partners

So, much is abuzz here at Bernadot Studios. We are serving people all over the country and working with people all over the world to bring beautifully, custom-crafted websites to our clients.

Interested in having your website built with passion, experience and know-how? Please just send us a line and we’ll be in touch.

Interested in becoming a partner with Bernadot Studios? Send us a message.

That’s all for now. More to come soon.

Enjoy your summer and keep cool.


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